Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Open House is this week on
 Thursday Night from 4-7!

Come check out the classroom and take a peek in to Grade 7, 
Grade 8 and other classes too. 

Lots of activities and displays for sports, exploratories and trips!

FOOD TRUCK from Mai-Mais! $10

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Welcome Back!  Spring has sprung 

It can be hard to come back from a break and reboot for last term but it's been  great to see everyone and hear stories from the holidays. 

We are beginning some new routines (morning activity, reading log) and refreshing some old ones (agendas!)

****Many students are running out of fresh duotangs and pencils! 
*****Please send extra supplies to school for your child or to add to our class supply.  Thank you!!******

Image result for happy pencil gif

 New units are underway, report envelopes are slowly coming back, the shift back to work has begun.... 

Here's the scoop...

Math  - continued work on measuring and drawing angles
 Link to scanned text here: 
Quiz on Friday. Polygons coming up. 

English - Reading Log to be completed during Literacy (after lunch). We are practicing a "Say Something" response to chosen reading: asking questions, making connections, observations, comparisons. Students need to have a Reading Log notebook to record their thoughts as they read. We will built on this linking with Literature Studies this term. 

Socials  - We are wrapping our study of the Parliamentary System and Systems of Government. The world tour and our passport activity before the break was great and lots of international information was shared. Well done! 
This week we will be lucky enough to hear and ask questions from some first hand knowledge of life in the Phillippines, Lebanon and Guatemala. 
Upcoming this term..... we will begin to look at economy as we explore global issues and cooperation.

Science  - In Science we are beginning our study of the ENDOCRINE system with a closer look at salmon and the physical adaptations they make to their environment throughout their life cycle. Students are  working on a poster assignment to illustrate these adaptations. This week we read for detail on the life stages. 
    Salmon Poster  - Due on Wednesday, April 18th
    Science/ Reading for Information
    Egg >> Alevin >> Fry >> Smolt >> Adult/ SeaRun >> Spawner

    You will illustrate and label 2 stages of life of a salmon and their environment
    1) ___________________ 2) ____________________
    -Illustrate and label 5 physical adaptations at the two stages which you have chosen
    -Illustrate and label 5 environmental characteristics affecting salmon at those stages
    5 characteristics of each salmon stage(eg. fry/smolt)
    5 Characteristics of environment
    Explanations of changes and need for adaptations.
    Checklist:  ____ completed         ____ coloured       ____ clear
           ___ accurate                       ____ detailed                                  ____ attractive

    Scan of life stages handouts:


    This week our presentation from Vancouver Island Sexual Health will touch on aspects of the endocrine system. 

    Coming up: Video from Kids' Health on the Endocrine system:

    We are practicing vocabulary and dialogue orally through games. 

    Review: Days of the Week (lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, jeudi, samedi, dimanche)

    Practicing Questions and Responses: 
    New vocabulary: 

    • Qu'est-ce c'est? (What is it?)
    • C'est un/une, le/la ____. 

    Coming up...

    • Oรน est le chat? Ooo eh le sha?   
    • Poster project: Describe and illustrate the location and characteristics of people and objects in the classroom. 

    We are beginning new 8 week units in Gym. Gym strip is required. Outdoor activity will take place on Friday. 

    On Tuesdays:  Badminton in the gym
    On Fridays: Outside, rugby practice and games