This was on Monday. We now have only 5 eggs unhatched.
145 Coho Demaniel Creek salmon.
How do we protect wild salmon?
Monday, 22 January 2018
InPEwe had the first of our 2 Brazilian Capeoria Workshops! All Grade Sixes participated and learned a bit of the history of Capeoria. Check out the video: Our next and final workshop will be this Friday. Students are being marked on participation. On Tuesday we will be working with Ms. St. Jean's class in the gym to continue to develop our Volleyball skills. We have learned positioning to receive the ball, how to communicate with teammates and passing the ball. We will begin to set and bump the ball on Tuesday. Gym Strip is required and is part of the PE mark.
In Math we have begun work on Fractions. This week we will be covering Equivalent Fractions, Ordering and Comparing Fractions and Coverting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions.Multiplication and division facts need to be mastered to work with Fractions effectively. Practice, Practice, Practice. There will be homework going home nightly and help available at lunch and recess.
In socials we are beginning to learn more about Human Rights through short stories and Videos. Students are making posters on Global Issues.
We are also working to complete our Country Projects on Chromebooks this Tuesday afternoon. Country Projects will work on Google Slides in the final version.
These are big projects which cover non-fiction reading comprehension, research skills, technological skills with Google Docs, Google and Google Slides and Critical Thinking Competencies.
Monday, 15 January 2018
Welcome back to all. We've had a quiet but busy week recapping, reviewing, rearranging,
starting new projects and setting goals for 2018.
January 15-19 - Week 18 Math - Last week students worked on problem solving strategies and order of operations. BEDMAS: 1)brackets, 2)multiplication/division, 3)addition/subtraction
This week we will begin a new unit on fractions, percents and ratios. A Math review quiz will be given on Friday. English - Students have been writing resolutions and goals for 2018. We will also be working on Journals and Projects, improving sentences and paragraphs through mini-lessons, editing and the writing process. Chromebooks- Finishing up our French Communities project from December, we are using Chromebooks and Google Slides to research and present a country project profile. Here is a link on how to work with Google Slides (similar to Power Point). Students have continued to work on their French communities projects, these were due last week. Results were submitted via Google as comments in student work. Google documents can be accessed at home via Chrome. Details on the country design criteria will be posted here and in our Google Classroom. Self-Design Project - Many students began an independent self-design group project which we will work on throughout the term. Students will plan, develop, research, evaluate and develop a prototype or draft of their project which they will share with the class, then revise and improve. Some students are working to develop a Science- We are finishing up our work with solutions and have used our new concepts to prepare a mixture/habitat for our salmon roe. Our water filter and pump is both flitering and adding oxygen to the water which is the solute where our salmon will live. We now have an operating DFO licensed salmon incubator in our classroom! Salmon Study- Using Big Ideas from Science on mixtures and solutions and continuing with our studies of Biological endocrine systems we will raise and study salmon in their egg and alevin stages. In Socials, we will be learning about salmon management and the levels of government which make the laws to protect our wild salmon. We are also learning about the geography, economy and human rights of different countries through our country projects. French - students are learning to describe family members and their likes and dislikes. We will be learning to ask and answer questions about likes, dislikes and families. PE - It is volleyball season- the nets are up! Grade 6 teams have begun practicing on Monday mornings and after school on Wednesday. We are developing skills and practicing ball skills and teamwork. Thanks to Journey PAC, we are able to participate in Capeoria workshops on the next two Fridays. This is a Brazilian martial art, developed by slaved in self-defence, and includes dance, music, gymnastics and defensive moves. And it's a fun workout! Students need to wear loose clothing on Fridays and JOIN IN!!
Finally, we've had 2 mindfulness sessions in the mornings to focus and settle.