Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week Nine -  Oct 30-Nov3
Happy Halloween!

We have a fun week ahead.


Please make sure that your child has all supplies needed for swimming and a simple/limited costume on Halloween day. We will be swimming this week as part of our PE program, on both Tuesday and Friday. 

Also coming up and important is the critical Grade 6 immunizations. Consent letters were sent home 2 weeks ago and need to be returned to the public health nurse next week. She will be at Journey next week. Although some students may feel nervous about this visit, this is the last immunization they receive at school and is a booster. More information is in the letter. Contact the public health nurse for Sooke at VIHA for further information 

We continue to read and discuss Wonder.Students have worked hard and done some fabulous book projects which we have just begun to share. We will have time to report on 3 more books of all different genres before Christmas. (Due Nov. 6, Nov 30 and Dec. 8)  Students can complete 2 Short reports, 1 shared report, interviews and another creative project to have another chance to think and write about reading. Regular individual reading is the best way for students to improve in all subject areas, especially writing. Daily reading at school and home is recommended.

We have been writing a Halloween themed story using the writing process and will finish revising and begin publishing this week. 

We have begun multiplication this week, finishing our Multiples package of times tables from 1-12. Practice of these basic facts is fundamental to grade six and will be ongoing with mastery as a goal for all. 
This week we will look at tricks and multiples of 10, 100,1000 and double digits. (eg. 29 X 5)

We examine experiments and the scientific method explore our brain power. We will have a quiz and a project this month. 

Newspaper articles and the media are being examined and we will be discussing culture in the context of our experiences during Halloween. 


0  = zéro                  4  = quatre                8  =huit                     12  =douze
1  = un                     5  = cinq                   9  =neuf                   13  =treize
2  = deux                  6  = six                     10  =dix                      14  =quatorze

3  = trois                  7  = sept                  11  =onze                   15  =quinze       16  =seize

Les coleurs: 

Highlights this past week....
The Halloween dance was a blast and well attended by Division 18. Students LOVED playing Mantracker in the forest on Friday. Students received class jobs, we continued our run around the world. 

Our fundraising the week before was an excellent teambuilder and a proud accomplishment (over $113 raised, thank you for your help, bakers and crafters!)
We will be saving half of our funds for class trips and donating the other half to charity (Salmon defenders, Red Cross and mirco-loans all being considered). 

Monday, 23 October 2017

Week eight - Oct 23-27

This week is Howling! 

We have the dance on Thursday from 6-8. 
Basketball practices underway- Girls in the morning and boys at lunch. Come check it out!

Image result for swimming images cartoon
And Swimming Trips are upcoming as part of our PE. 

We will be swimming at SEAPARC on Halloween the 31st, Tuesday afternoon. We will walk, so costumes would need to be removed. Suggested donation  is $2.

On November 3rd - We are visiting the Commonwealth Pool for the day with our team from Narnia. Suggested donation (cost of admission, buses and lockers) is $5.

The book projects look amazing and students are sharing them this week. 

In Math we have begun a review of multiplication facts and a look at factoring

There will be a multiplication quiz on Friday. 

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Week Seven - Oct 16-19, 2017

It's Spirt Week and Div18 is working on Some Fundraising Projects!

Tuesday, Wednesday - Lunch - Bake Sale!
Thanks to volunteer bakers!

Tuesday, Wednesday Lunch - Craft Sale - Magnets, Stickers, Slime!
Students are making crafts at school. 
Bring Loonies, Toonies and Quarters! 

Monday - Pajama Day!!
Tuesday - Journey Colours and Swag - Red, Black, White
Wednesday - Twin Day (prizes!)
Thursday - Sports Bling Day - Who are you cheering for?

Friday, Oct 20 - PRO - D  --- No school ---

Independent Reading Book Projects are due Monday! 
Students have been reading and working in class on different Book Report Projects over the last 3 weeks (scrapbooks, timelines, tests, board games, posters). Today is our DEADLINE. The goal is completion. 

What if you're not done??
Lunches, recess, literacy and morning advisory time can be used and assistance is  available - talk to me! 

Students need to have independent reading books available at school. 

We are continuing to read Wonder as a class. 

We continue our study of the Nervous System  focussing on the BRAIN and conducting an experiment on focus and attention. How can we control what happens in our brain and our ability to learn and remember?

Headlines have arrived thanks to our many researchers (WTG!!) and new complimentary copies of the Times Colonist. We are reading, questioning and making connections to GLOBAL ISSUES and ourselves as we learn the latest around the world. Students will be working in small groups this week to discuss events and their importance. We are chosing charities which we want to support with some of our fundraising. The Red Cross Emergency Response has been very active worldwide in the past month in the US, Mexico and the Caribbean. 

We are working on introductions in French as we "run" across Canada, discovering Francophone communities en route. Click on the link below

Next week we switch and Division 18 will work with Ms. St. Jean. This week we are continuing our rivalry. WAY TO GO - 18! Benchball Champs
SHOES and GYM STRIP are needed every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.  We are continuing our daily runs around the school - appropriate footwear is needed. 

Final Cross Country Meet on Wednesday at Juan de Fuca -
 way to go Nevaeh!

PAC PIZZA is on Wednesday, Oct 18!

Next week Thursday's DANCE tickets will be on sale. 

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Notices are going home on Thursday which need to be returned as soon as possible (Friday or Monday) regarding immunizations.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Week 6 - Oct 10-13

Welcome to Week six - Oct 10 -13 

We have a fortnight (vocab for those grade sixers!) of short weeks followed by Halloween week.

Friday's Math Quiz on Subtraction was challenging! Retesting and reteaching will be happening this week as we begin a new unit on Prime, Composite Numbers and Factors. A brief Math quiz is planned for Friday

In English Students should be well into their work on their independent book projects. We are continuing our class study of Wonder and will be focusing on Characterization this week and Narration and Perspective next week in a responsive journal

Science - The Peripheral Nervous System, Sensory Nerves, Inter-neurons and the Spinal Cord lead to the Brain, which is our focus this week. We will continue to look at the role of the cerebrum, Cerebella and the brain stem in regulating our actions and reactions to stimulus. How can we control our reactions? 

As a Friday the 13th special, we investigate the power of Positive and Negative thinking. 

Socials - Headlines around the world and our global connections shape our IDENTITY. 

PE - BRING PE STRIP or extra clothes and shoes. We are OUTSIDE, rain or shine!! We are wrapping up our soccer unit and the competitive/divisions have been playing well. We will be missing our class on Friday the 20th but will be playing Capture the Flag with other classes as well as continue our soccer games. We are continuing our run around the world. 

Google Classroom. I have set up a Google calendar which can be accessed through the Google Classroom. All student will join the classroom by the end of this week. 

Francais! As we pass through a few Francophone communities in Western Canada we will prepare for notre arrive A la Belle Province du Quebec
We are learning greetings and introductions. 

  • Bonjour, Je m'appelle Jean, et toi? Comment t'appelles-tu? 
  • Je m'appelle Belle. Quel age as-tu? 
  • J'ai onze ans! 
  • Moi, aussi!! 
  • Genial!

Monday, 2 October 2017

Week Five - Oct 2-9

Week Five  - Oct 2-6, 2017

We've made it to October and the cool darker mornings of autumn. 

This week we are forging ahead with units and projects and finishing some intake assessments. Students should be familiar and comfortable with routines now and have made a few friends and ....

***EXPLORATORIES are starting on THURSDAY!!!***

Don't forget PE strip on Tuesdays and Fridays! Bring extra clothes as we are outside 
rain or shine!

In Math 
We have just written a quiz on addition and are using PLACE VALUE for regrouping. This week we will continue with SUBTRACTION. Students will be working on the procedure for subtracting numbers up to one billion. BASIC FACTS are being used but will need to be practiced. We will begin some addition drills and mental math strategies on WEDNESDAYS after lunch, during our NUMERACY block. 

In English
We have begun a class novel, Wonder as a read aloud. Last week, students  compared Auggie (the narrator's) experience starting school with the stories shared during Orange T-shirt Day and the experiences of Aboriginal students in Residential schools. We are learning about genre, characters and setting. 
 Here is the trailer of the upcoming Wonder movie (out November 18)

Students have also been asked to chose independent reading books. Creative book reports on these books are underway and DUE OCT 15th!

In Socials
We will continue to collect headlines and plot our headlines on a map. This week will begin to categorize topics and form questions. 

Running around the world!
As part of our socials and PE unit and in celebration of Journey's 25th Anniversary, we're running around the school and tallying our total milelage. One lap is 25 km. In 3 days we have run all the way to Manitoba. Our goal is to run around the world. I hope that we can learn a bit about countries as we pass through. So far, as part of our French studies too, we have been able to discuss a little of the Metis and other Francophone communities in Western Canada. The plan is to make it to Montreal this week, where we have a contact in a middle school who would like to be epals with our class. 

In Science
We have begun our study of the nervous system. 
Terms this week are: 
1) sensation
2) sensory nerves
4) brain cells
5) motor neurons is an excellent resource

See also this introductory video from Makemegenuis

Google Classroom
We are working to get our Google classroom open this week or early next week. Students will then be able to access Chromebooks and many online learning tools and collaborative forums. 

Library Books are due next Tuesday.